Two Cents Tuesday Challenge: Illumination

xmas lights

It seems as though the younger elves have subconsciously begun to work-to-rule and some of Saint Nick’s helpers are starting to feel churlish being more than a little behind the eight ball as the big deadline looms close.  In this part of town, the transformation from quiet residential neighbourhood to festive, holly-bedecked Santa beacon is eerily covert. All of a sudden a wreath appears here, an inflatable snow-globe pops up there, some shiny metallic globes or silver garland materialize where one wouldn’t have thought possible and one wonders whose busy hands have accomplished these feats in the dead of night.  Which renegade gnome climbed high up onto that apartment balcony and rearranged the pair of glowing reindeer into a position that defies censorship?

It is an intense and kaleidoscopically eye-opening time, for the generations each have their own idea of how the season should be celebrated, or not – how much emphasis is placed on what it means to us and the myriad ways we bring it to fruition to make it visible. That is really what this century is all about – enlightening each other.

Across the Bored ponders whether tonight the view of Earth from space will be particularly colourful and so the Two Cents Tuesday Challenge shines a light on – Illumination.

“How does illumination appear to you?” – as a state of mind or fact of science, that long-awaited clarification or brilliant resolution, twinkly LEDs or burnt-out bulbs, the soft glow of the family hearth or brake lights in a traffic jam…

We would love to see your vision.

For all those who are new readers to Across the Bored, here are some guidelines for the challenge: HOW DOES THIS WORK?

  1.  I will post some commentary on a random topic that pops into my head (such as the above) and then ask you to respond on the same.
  2. Your point of view on the current week’s challenge can take any form: a quote, a motto or saying, an essay, poem or opinion of yours or attributed to someone else, a piece of music, a song, a video, a work of art, photograph, graffiti, drawing or scribble – but it has to be about the topic!
  3. Please, don’t just link to an old post… challenge yourself.
  4. The Challenge will be open for 6 days after it is posted upon which I will post another.
  5. ENJOY, have FUN and TELL your friends and fellow bloggers.

 SO – Create your Two Cents Tuesday Challenge post

  1. Then add a link to your blog in my comment box.
  2. To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Two Cents Tuesday Challenge” and add the same as a tag.
  3. If you would like your reader to see what others are presenting for the same challenge, add a link to the “Two Cents Tuesday” challenge on your own blog.
  4. Feel free to pick up your badge on the Two Cents Tuesday Challenge page
  5. Remember to Follow My Blog to get your weekly (hopefully) reminders.

16 thoughts on “Two Cents Tuesday Challenge: Illumination

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