White no more

No solution in sight.

I actually have one of these and am guessing that you probably do too. Giving it one last chance in the laundry to become a thing of beauty again before I pass it along to someone in my family that won’t notice.
🖋️ Bruce Eric Kaplan, The New Yorker, 2019


To change or not to change

The good thing about SoMe is that your friends can call anytime and it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing.

Spring forward

Playing with other blooms.

Not a whole lot coming up in the backyard but the hostas transplanted to big pots last year – that’s ok, they’re green and happy and right now that’s all that counts.


Trying really hard.

Feeling a bit like a pinball these past few weeks but guessing that it’s better to be in motion than not 😆

Water issues

It’s always something

Plumbing is all fixed just in time as Saturday night brought biblical proportion rains. So nice to be able to enjoy a hot bath, no matter what the weather, but perhaps not immediately as there is a full load of soaking-wet, half-done laundry sitting in the tub. Oh joy, the 15 year-old washing machine is officially on its last legs. I can’t even anymore…

In the light of day

Internal landscape

So that’s the culprit in all of the recent plumbing woes, an impressive 6’ long crack in the cast iron stack that has been leaking in secret for who knows how long and only recently came to our attention thanks to the deluge of rain last week.

Kudos to the plumber who did a fantastic job and had a sense of humour to boot. Encourage kids to go into the trades – as long as there are old houses there will always be work.


Another perspective

Things should be easing up a bit now that Mercury retrograde has released its stranglehold on communication and general life glitches. Don’t rush, perhaps consider last month’s setbacks from a different angle and take some advice from the Farmer’s Almanac – “Use your energy towards intelligent changes”.


Some days you just don’t want to sit down to a large plate of anything – out with Miss Z on a sunny afternoon we opted for a little bit of everything: fresh guacamole with house nachos, sweet potato fries with coriander and chipotle mayo, a double fudge brownie with vanilla ice cream and, of course, a refreshing cocktail – a tall glass of Mezcal with lime and muddled strawberries. Yum.



The Farmer’s Almanac weather forecast for July in my region reads much like my biorhythm looks, all ups and downs, intense highs punctuated by icy lows, and long, lingering periods where much reaches some sort of tepid plateau. Here’s wishing for more temperate climes.