tagged “C”

tagged c cat

C is for Cat
Craving Camembert mice
Curled Coiled stretching
the yawn a device
of Carnivores striped
to Confound their prey
who scurry off
hurry off
all night and day
no sweet Condolences
no Colligation
of bright-eyed banter
dogged determination
no pangs of Conscience
or Cold Compromise
eat, play, sleep
and pounce
on the prize


Come Close to the entries in Frizztext’s A-Z Challenge: tagged “C”.

7 thoughts on “tagged “C”

    • ideflex says:

      Thanks – turmoil assuaged by seclusion and concentration, preaching to the choir here… Some of these pieces are more problematic than others: I’ll fix on an image and know vaguely where I want to go with it and then fumble around with lines or particular turns of phrase. Other days, the ones I’m really thankful for, it just comes pouring out…


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