Two Cents Tuesday Challenge: Bold


a glorious gift of colour

A meal at our house where we all manage to sit down together can range from the awe-inspiring to the downright incredible – it is not the quantity or quality of food but rather the tone and variety of conversation that bursts forth as if it has been bottled under pressure and kept hidden in a cool, dark cellar until it was worth savouring.  On a good night our witty banter is a fine champagne, measured and inspiring with just the right amount of kick to keep things titillating yet civilized but on others…. discussion erupts with all the force of a can of soda pop shaken and sprayed over an unsuspecting audience by some guffawing, miscreant five-year old.

Not to say that we don’t act appropriately when the occasion calls for it but the personalities that make up this particular family unit are large, they take up copious amounts of space and if one can get a word in edgewise then the game is truly afoot. The range of subject matter and the rapid-fire pace of exchange can bewilder unassuming guests who thought they were in for a nice quiet meal. Miss Z and the Professor know instinctively that anyone they choose to break bread with better be able to hold their own and with flair, no less….

The best of shared times are like the flowers that grace our table – vividly dynamic, impressively coloured and delightfully engaging so The Two Cents Tuesday Challenge lays out it out that we are  – Bold.

“What shape does bold take for you?” –  A flash of chrome, the walls of home, an umbrella bright or neon light, a favourite font, fishing cat or fearless brat, challenging or conspicuous, brave or brassy …

We would love to see your vision.

For all those who are new readers to Across the Bored, here are some guidelines for the challenge: HOW DOES THIS WORK?

  1.  I will post some commentary on a random topic that pops into my head (such as the above) and then ask you to respond on the same.
  2. Your point of view on the current week’s challenge can take any form: a quote, a motto or saying, an essay, poem or opinion of yours or attributed to someone else, a piece of music, a song, a video, a work of art, photograph, graffiti, drawing or scribble – but it has to be about the topic!
  3. Please, don’t just link to an old post… challenge yourself.
  4. The Challenge will be open for 14 days (there will be a reminder post at the 7 day mark) after which I will post another.
  5. ENJOY, have FUN and TELL your friends and fellow bloggers.

 SO – Create your Two Cents Tuesday Challenge post

  1. Then add a link to your blog in my comment box.
  2. To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Two Cents Tuesday Challenge” and add the same as a tag.
  3. If you would like your reader to see what others are presenting for the same challenge, add a link to the “Two Cents Tuesday” challenge on your own blog.
  4. Feel free to pick up your badge on the Two Cents Tuesday Challenge page
  5. Remember to Follow My Blog to get your weekly (hopefully) reminders.

41 thoughts on “Two Cents Tuesday Challenge: Bold

  1. frizztext says:

    Glaze from the app store makes you to a painter in seconds – the French impressionists (1920?) would have been glad, if they could download Glaze from an app store…


    • ideflex says:

      Very true (they may have become lazy and not so inventive though!) but like any media be it photography, drawing or painting even the best and least/most expensive tools won’t make an artist any “good”. Many years ago when digital art first started we used to have great discussions about the difference between works that were nice but you could tell they were done by technicians who became artists through technology and those that may not have been as technically proficient but you knew they were executed by people who were “artists” first… As always, it all boils down to beauty being in the eye of the beholder!


  2. says:

    How did you create this masterpiece please. I am generally not attracted to Impressionist art but this is so special ! HOW ?


  3. frizztext says:

    “…it is not the quantity or quality of food
    but rather the tone and variety of conversation…”
    I hope I stay bold enough to make further invitations,
    though sometimes in my life
    it has been difficult and needed courage.
    Sometimes it is hard not to lose sovereignty.


    • ideflex says:

      You and your family would always be welcome at my table – we know kindred spirits even from a distance, warriors all – that is what keeps us going…


  4. Island Traveler says:

    Beautiful painting. Inspiring words that reminds us of what’s important, “The best of shared times are like the flowers that grace our table – vividly dynamic, impressively coloured and delightfully engaging.”


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