Weekly Photo Challenge: Nighttime


on a thursday afternoon
they would wander
a few soda crackers and peppermints
wrapped carefully in a handkerchief
and tucked into pocketbooks
just in case
they would say
and nod agreement
to the happy collusion
spent lingering
by the perfume counter
but Friday
would always come
striding in on too-high heels
gin and tonic fueled
waiting to be dragged
onto the dance floor
cherries in the snow
on saturday’s collar


See what’s lurking in the entries of the Weekly Photo Challenge: Nighttime.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Humanity

ekp tv

Where once the world had been so small
that letters wore stamps
postmarked weary
like travellers on foot
siberia to africa
in another life
another time
where once eyes wide
with all that was wonderful
in this bright new world
saw promise and hope
reflected upon the screen
it is all of humanity
that pours forth
ignoring and repeating
reviling and revolting
having forgotten history
and how
to just turn it off

Stay tuned to the entries in the Weekly Photo Challenge: Humanity.