The Price of Eggs

the price of eggs it all depends on where you shop

Across the Bored and fellow blogger Bennetta Faire always get to bantering about life, laughs and literary pursuits whenever the occasion arises.  Despite growing up on opposite sides of the continent, we manage to share common bits of life experience from vintage recipes and favourite print ads to those odd pop culture references pre-internet and yes, even pre-colour television.

Our conversation are sprinkled with silly sayings, all-encompassing adages and candid colloquialisms spouted by ancestors and peers alike.  Some of them are humorous, some cheerful and sweet, some down-right awful for each one carries with it a vivid memory of occasion and the personalities that favoured them.

One in particular that still raises hackles is “What does that have to do with the price of eggs?”.  Perhaps if it had been used as a philosophical preface to ponder the deeper meanings of life it would not have rankled as much but it was usually used when an argument had been lost and there was no foreseeably valid point to be made in order to win said discussion. Drove. us. Nuts… and still does.

Are there any phrases that are particular to you, your friends and family or culture that you just love and use on a regular basis? Care to share those you despise and would have disappear into the fog of never-to-be-heard agains? Drop those idiosyncratic idioms into the comment box – you might pick up a few beauties to be used at your next dinner party…

8 thoughts on “The Price of Eggs

  1. Heyjude says:

    Not sure I have used the eggs one but “What does that have to do with the price of fish?” is a common one – I wonder if the difference arises from whether you lived near the coast or not?
    “There’s nowt so queer as folk” is a good Yorkshire saying as is “where there’s muck there’s brass” my favourite though has to be yet another Yorkshire one “he/she’s got short arms and deep pockets” I’m sure you can guess the meaning of all of those ;-)


    • ideflex says:

      My egg- tosser is an inland bird so perhaps that is the difference! Love the others as well – I had an English grand-dad who knew the value of a penny and used the last one….


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