Awards – Christmas comes twice this year

Across the Bored finds itself, going forward into this wondrous year 2013, the recipient of an embarassment of riches courtesy of Richard at The Future is Papier Mâché. Author of a photography blog that documents the denizens of Greater London, with the bonus of book reviews and collaborations, it is well worth more than the occasional look. He has nominated us for a few choice awards below.

According to Google, the origins of the Very Inspiring Blogger Award are lost in the primal swirl of the mulitverse – no matter, it is still a lovely thing to receive at this time of year when more is going out than coming in…


The Rules of this award, in shortform, are:

  • Link back to the blog that nominated you
  • Tell the world 7 facts about yourself
  • Nominate 15 (yes, that’s 15 – count’em) fellow bloggers

You may, of course, grab the badge and display it as prominently as you see fit!

7 facts about Across the Bored:

  1. There are at least 7 different language dictionaries in our library, none of which I fluently speak apart from French
  2. I used to darn socks but soon discovered it was a futile and annoying pastime
  3. I am always at a loss when asked what I do
  4. People who ask me what I have been up to then proceed to cut me off and talk about their own jobs, vacations, spouses and children soon find themselves in a one way conversation
  5. The desire to reconnect on facebook is not anywhere near the top of my list of priorities
  6. I wanted to open a candy shop near a high school
  7. Despite the inconvenience, I like snow and PETA be damned will wear a fur coat when it is -20☃

For all their inspiration, here are my 15 Nominees:

A New Day
Canadian Hiking Photography
Cee’s Photography
Lateral Love Australia
Milners Blog
Ohm Sweet Ohm
Stephen Kelly Creative
Tahira’s Shenanigan’s
Travel. Garden. Eat.
Where’s My Backpack?
The World according to Dina
Zeebra Designs & Destinations

The Reality Blog Award


The Rules are concise:

  • Link back to the blogger that nominated you
  • Post the badge on your blog where you see fit
  • Answer the 5 questions below
  • Nominate 8 bloggers

Questions and Answers:

Q: If you could change something what would you change?
A: The interface between my creaking fingers and my mouse

Q: If you could repeat an age, what age would it be?
A: The Age of Enlightenment with an unlimited battery iphone and a teleporter

Q: What one thing really scares you?
A: The power of bureaucracy

Q: What one dream have you not completed yet and do you think you will be able to complete it?
A: Yes, the current project that I have been procrastinating on

Q: If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?
A: The dog – so that I could laze around on a comfy pillow in a sunny window for hours on end, without the least bit of guilt at not being productive, while someone fed me treats at the bat of an eyelash…

The 8 Nominees are:

Caddo Veil
Clowie’s Corner
Loving Life: A Green Journey
masadiso79’s Blog
What’s [in] the picture?

A double nomination for The Blog of the Year 2012 Award was from both Richard at The Future is Papier Mâché and Nutsfortreasure at Living and Lovin, a blog that has a little bit of everything for everyone! The Rules for this award, in their entirety, may be viewed at the Thought Palette where it originated. While a lovely award and greatly appreciated, Across the Bored doesn’t do facebook or collect stars (a long story the gory details of which may one day be the subject of another post) – besides 2012 has wrapped itself up in a post-nonapocalyptic shroud so that pretty much settles that…

Blog of the Year Award 2 star jpeg

The One Lovely Blog Award was sent along by Katy of PragueByKaty – Thank you so much for thinking of Across the Bored as lovely enough to grace your readings.  Katy shows us a side of her city and travels that make one want to throw our gear in a bag and get on the next plane!


As with the other awards, there are some Rules:

  • Link back to the person who nominated you
  • Post the badge in a lovely place
  • State 7 things about yourself
  • Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them

Across the Bored has taken the liberty of fudging and applying a bit of  blog math as follows:
≧17 hours of post time ÷ 4 awards × 38+ nominees = 10 stiff fingers + 7 more random facts ± the last 8/15 nominees

So here we have 7 more Random things about Across the Bored:

  1. Cold hands, warm heart
  2. I don’t have much use for horror movies
  3. With that said, I own way too many VHS tapes and DVDs
  4. I make a mean fried egg but won’t eat them
  5. and fantasize about the ultimate in kitchen storage
  6. I enjoy the Ghost and Miss Z’s playlists (everything from Aussie rap and hipster unknowns to gamer symphonics)
  7. but cannot stand those nasty little earbuds

The 8 Nominees are:

Ania Archer
Backseat Mafia
Corina Lăzărescu
Diamond Mike Watson
Richard Sugden Photography
The Bright Old Oak

Some blogs deserve recognition but don’t want any awards, so we will bestow upon them an Honourable Mention – Please have a look at the incredible work of Gary Schollmeier at

Thanks once again to Richard, Nutsfortreasure and Katy!