XXX – Challenge

xxx acorns

that would be
the X word for this day
a whole year for Xamining
nice or naughty
hard to say
many have been Xcellent
their comportment
above par
Xhausting in the efforts made
Xemplary by far
Xcitable were others
and Xcruciating were the worst
found to be Xecrable
Xcuseless from the first
an endless holiday nightmare
to Xtrapolate
it seems
Xtolling virtues by the score
highs and lows Xtreme
here Xtant vices disappear
while frayed nerves Xtend
’til Xmas Eve
when all is calm
the season’s joy
to you
we send


Xpand your horizons in the entries of Frizztext’s XXX – Challenge.

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