17 thoughts on “Spring Mutt Makeover

  1. frizztext says:

    “…some of us suffer more than others
    from wearing their winter coats a little too long
    – problem solved!”
    I have to pay $$ if I go to a hair stylist –
    and they make massage there too –
    I hope your dog felt as fine –
    at least better than a sheep
    in Australia: they make it in seconds!


    • ideflex says:

      He has similar wool like a sheep – gets all matted if I don’t brush him regularly, even if I do… In our two days of spring, he rediscovers the garden – mud, burrs, old leaves all get stuck in his fur then suddenly it is boiling hot and it is time for a shave. Only took the new groomer two hours to do! I know how your cat feels – I have only once seen a shaved cat (I think they hide) – only head, paws and a tuft on the tail left with poufs of fur and a very angry face indeed…


  2. elizz says:

    it’s a hot summer here in my country and i also just had my doggie Kristina (a maltese) groomed and had all the hair cut short except for some in her tail, ears and head.. she’s not long-haired anymore.. but she felt cooler now.. there have been incidents of heat stroke with doggies because of heat during summer.. to prevent that i regularly spray cool water on the doggies to keep them cool especially at noon when the sun is in its hottest stage.


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