Blame it on the Comet

COMETNo end of computer-related problems today ranging from the ridiculous to the absurd with absolutely no help to be found in tortuously long and convoluted supports, help pages and discussion forums until the muses deigned to illuminate with an elegant and simple solution… as usual.  Got it all cleaned up nicely and was feeling most proud of ourselves when, just to add insult to injury, we discovered that the photostream on iPhones keeps all those lovely photos that weren’t on your camera roll for a mere 30 days and then sends them off to join all the flotsam burning up in the tail of the comet now passing through our neighbourhood.  That’s what we get for not reading the fine print…

10 thoughts on “Blame it on the Comet

  1. says:

    May I ask..what exactly you mean by this please?

    “we discovered that the photostream on iPhones keeps all those lovely photos that weren’t on your camera roll for a mere 30 days and then sends them off ……..”


    • ideflex says:

      Photos you shoot with the standard iCamera wind up in your camera roll and photo stream – some camera apps go directly to the photostream and not the camera roll unless you specify that in their preferences, you can save them on a one by one basis as you are shooting/editing them. When you go over 1000 photos the photostream just gets rid of the oldest pix in the stack – poof gone – unless you have been saving them to an icloud account that you have set up or have been downloading them on a regular basis to your desktop or computer photo processing application they are as good as gone. The amount of space that both the camera roll and the photostream take up is nothing short of phenomenal so not the greatest place to be storing pictures as it may have repercussions on your phone’s other apps/slow things down. etc. – guess who has been doing some spring cleaning as a result…


      • says:

        I didn’t know that and I am glad I don’t have it set up that way cause I would be at a loss if ONE of my pictures were to vanish.. I get very attached …smiles!


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